Friends of Randalls Bay

About the group

Friends of Randalls Bay (FORB) was formed in 1997 by locals, residents and shack owners to protect native vegetation along Williams Road by extending the protective barriers and creating paths to the beach. Later grants enabled sandstone steps to be constructed up to the western headland of Randalls Bay, and a walkway to Mickeys Beach. The Group has continued with many actions including monitoring marine erosion, tackling environmental weeds, and educating the public to protect and care for the foreshore and reserves.

The Group is open to all who want to ensure ecologically sustainable use and enjoyment of the coastal area from Echo Sugarloaf State Reserve through Randalls Bay to Mickeys Beach. We welcome newcomers and really need your energy, skills and experience to add to what we have.

Join us on our journey as we restore a disused quarry with the help of people power. Made with the support of Landcare and Miro Digital.


Help us to continue our work. By making a contribution, you are helping us to make Randalls Bay better through professional track building, revegetation and remediation work, weed removal, rubbish clean-ups and land buys.

You can donate anytime using the following bank account details:
BSB: 633 000
Account number: 156 021 925
Account name: Friends of Randalls Bay Coastcare
Reference: your name

Download our Membership Form if you want an annual subscription as a FORB member ($10 for an individual, $20 for a family).

Contact us for information on other ways to donate, or if you want to become involved.